Music isn’t just our gift, it’s our SERVICE!
Broadway Inspirational Voices (BIV) is committed to serving communities in need through Arts Programming and Engagement. BIV’s Arts and Education Team is constantly evaluating HOW and WHY we are doing the kind of service outreach work we do, does it align with our mission, as well as ways to improve and expand our impact.
Cynthia Vance, Executive Director, Broadway Inspirational Voices
“Every human deserves to be seen, and that is at the heart of all that we do and how we work at Broadway Inspirational Voices. While 2020 kept us from performing, it exposed more populations and communities that were suffering, isolated and searching for the kind of lifeline that inspiring music and human connection provides. The opportunities to serve - minister if you will - to our older neighbors as well as those who are navigating the corrections system are incredibly compelling and central to our mission, and it’s humbling to begin to see the positive impact that is possible through these new initiatives.”
- Cynthia Vance, Executive Director 2020-2022, Broadway Inspirational Voices
BIV’s newest initiative focuses on senior communities in need. Currently in its pilot phase, BIV Arts and Educations Team is researching and developing an engaging and interactive Performing Arts program series to be held in-person inside facilities that support elders, as well as for those who choose to age in place.
Join our mailing list to stay informed and learn about our plans to expand our BIV@ program to serve seniors through community partners in the New York metro area.
In 2021, the BIV Arts and Education Team began working with detained persons at Rikers Island through our gospel music, inspirational messages, and engagement programming. Thanks to seed funding from our program sponsor, Cause Strategy Partners, we were able to create a handful of on-demand program videos and initiate ongoing research to develop creative and impactful programs to engage in-person and virtually.
“It was an honor for Cause Strategy Partners to make a lead sponsorship contribution to get BIV's outreach to inmates at the NYC Department of Corrections off the ground. Broadway Inspirational Voices' special gift to the world is embedded in the organization's name -- inspiration. Having worked for many years as an attorney serving those affected by the criminal justice system, I know firsthand how far inspiration can go when facing the fear and hopelessness that often accompanies incarceration. I am so proud of what BIV accomplished with that first investment and -- I am sure -- it will not be our last as we continue to support this vital work. I hope others will join us.”
- Rob Acton- Founder and CEO, Cause Strategy Partners and Co-Chair, Board of Directors, Broadway Inspirational Voices
After its initial launch, within the first month of access to BIV’s program videos on the tablet platform utilized by detained persons at Rikers were viewed over 2,000 times. And within minutes, we received this message from a viewer.
Our BIV Arts & Education Team is planning and developing the production of additional program videos in January 2022 to distribute for virtual programming within the New York City Department of Corrections.
In order to support and expand this highly in-demand program, funding is needed. Please make a donation or contact for more information on sponsorship for our Criminal Justice Initiative.
Join our mailing list to mailing list to stay informed! Thank you!
“You must try to get more of the BIV Gospel Choir for us. Man, it is greatly needed and is such a blessing to wake up to every morning. My God, I cannot even hold back my tears as I can feel the very strong presence of the almighty creator. But from all the years of ministering and pastoring, this is my life. That choir [BIV] sometimes makes you forget you're in prison. Ha! Ha! Ha! I am so elated right now. This is thankful Friday and it's cloudy outside. Yet that doesn't hide the light that shines in the heart. “
- JB- Program Participant at Rikers Island
Learn more about our programs and our dynamic team HERE. Feel free to connect with us and send us any questions or inquires to