Please be memorized.
Please review all the information carefully. There is a lot of it, but it is provided with the intention of making the process move as smoothly as possible given the level of specificity we need to accomplish in a short time.
Please reach out if you have uncertainty about how to achieve any part of the process.
Equipment Needed:
2 Devices ( Cellphones, Ipads, or computer)
1 Device to Record on
1 Device to Listen and watch with
1 Desktop computer or Laptop
Please have good light (natural light from a window in front of you works great as long as it doesn't negatively affect your audio)
Choose a bright, unbusy background so we can see you. It’s OK for your background to look like you're at home (because we all are!), but make sure it is bright and not cluttered (avoid black/dark blue backgrounds and those with patterns and extensive decoration if possible).
Avoid paintings, copyrighted images, etc in your background
STEP 1: Plan, Rehearse, Repeat
Read the Video and Movement instructions below. Map out your journey between Staging Areas, and where you will place your device in both Areas, ahead of recording so that you have a clear plan for your trajectory through the song and it can go smoothly for you.
This video is all about watching “Serenity” heal all of the people that she loves with her magic potion. We watch her friends TRANSFORM when they get a bit of the magic “potion.” It should feel whimsical and fun. Really dig into the last movements at the end with the sweeping movements.
Treatment: Following the lead (HERO) from his home Kitchen, to his Hawaii Dream Sanctuary. Supported by Characters he meets along the way, Flight Attendant, Hawaii Welcome Dancer, and a Penguin.
Hero Shots (RASHIDRA): 2 Videos
BGV Shots: 1 Videos
Themes: Taking a journey from sick to healing, Selflessness, Generosity, Hope
- Pick some kind of infirmity. Stay there for beginning of song. Look to camera at M11 after she says “I would give away my potions” stay interested in what she’s saying.
- Look up on the word “fly” at M14 and stay for a sec then continue to be interested in what she’s talking about but maybe a bit disappointed that you don’t have access to the healing potions.
- Do 2 slow circular sways starting to the right at M23 then come back to camera on “Potions for everyone…” at M27.
- Start to get more interested in “Ice Cream Sunday the Dolphin”. You’re glad to meet her
- Take potion(eat macaron) on the word “rainbows” at M39 and emerge from your sickness.
- Live in this new healed state. Maybe actually “reach up high” at M42 and “soar through the skies” at M44
- Relish and live in this new healed state and sing to camera from M45 - M59
- Starting at M62 start to sway and continue swaying and sing on your individual lines.
- At M70 through M74 take camera and do two “V”s(see video instruction)
- At M76 lift camera and do circular motion(be careful) and live in the moment as if you were actually flying(see video instruction)
After thoroughly reading the instructions if you are left still confused on your movement path, please reach out to DENNIS STOWE directly with any questions dstojr@aol.com - (646) 373-4069
STEP 2: Record Video
Please record horizontally, not vertically, as if doing a self tape.
Please record from the chest or waist up; see the photo on the Members Site for framing guidelines. Make sure you are in the center of the frame, with some space on either side of you.
Do your best to stay in the center of the frame, with some space on either side of you.
We suggest you record your video with your larger device and listen to the track on your smaller, most portable device.
In terms of sound quality, the audio from your video will not be used. It is more for syncing purposes. BUT you MUST say the right words, sing the right vowel, do all the right entrances and cut offs.
Record to THIS TRACK
For all video takes, please record using the full track from the top.
STEP 3: Uploading
Please upload your videos by clicking the Upload Button below.
The more files you have the longer the upload time. So we ask that you please be patient and keep checking that it's moving every few minutes. IT WILL WORK :) !!
Avoid texting or emailing videos to yourself (for example, to transfer them from phone to computer), as it lowers the quality.